Erwin-Taylor Award

Erwin Taylor Award

The Erwin-Taylor Award is the National College's highest honor. it recognizes a lifetime of accomplishments and contributions not only to the National College but to the entire defense community. The award is not given every year, but rather occasionally. The list of recipients represent some of the most accomplished and well-recognized DUI defense attorneys in the entire country.

The Erwin-Taylor Award was first called the Richard E. Erwin Lifetime Achievement Award. It was named after Richard E. Erwin, the author of the first text on defending DUIs. Richard Erwin published the first handbook on how to defend a DUI case in 1963. A public defender for most of his career, he had to create tools and strategies for fighting DUI cases. In 2004, the name changed to the Erwin-Taylor award to also honor Larry Taylor, who was instrumental in the formation of NCDD. Mr. Taylor also served as one of the first Dean's of NCDD and continues participate in the furtherance of educating defense attorneys nationwide. Mr. Taylor has since established himself as one of the pre-eminent DUI defense lawyers in the entire nation. To this day, his treatise "Drunk Driving Defense" (Wolters Klewer) co-authored with 2014 Erwin-Taylor recipient Steve Oberman, continues to be the premier treatise nationwide for anyone defending those accused of impaired driving.

Erwin-Taylor Award Recipients

YearRecipientDean Presenting AwardAward
2022George L. BianchiDonald J. RamsellErwin-Taylor Lifetime Achievement Award
2021William K. Kirk and Bennie E. RayDoug MurphyErwin-Taylor Lifetime Achievement Award
2021Name of award changed to Erwin-Taylor Lifetime Achievement Award
2020Barry T. SimonsPaul R. BurglinErwin-Taylor Award
2019Victor W. Carmody, Jr.William K. KirkErwin-Taylor Award
2018W. Troy McKinneyMichael M. HawkinsErwin-Taylor Award
2014Leslie F. Hulnick and Steven ObermanPeter GerstenzangErwin-Taylor Lifetime Achievement Award
2013J. Gary Trichter W. Troy McKinneyErwin-Taylor Award
2012Phillip B. PriceGeorge A. SteinErwin-Taylor Award
2009Flem K. Whited, IIIVictor J. PellegrinoErwin-Taylor Award
2007John T. KirkLeslie F. HulnickErwin-Taylor Award
2006J.J. Paul, IIIEdward L. FiandachErwin-Taylor Award
2005James F. CampbellJohn T. KirkErwin-Taylor Award
2004Name of Award changed to Erwin-Taylor Award
2003William C. HeadJ. Gary TrichterRichard E. Erwin Lifetime Achievement Award
2002Lawrence TaylorVictor W. Carmody, Jr.Richard E. Erwin Lifetime Achievement Award
2000Douglas L. CowanJames F. CampbellRichard E. Erwin Lifetime Achievement Award

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J. Christopher Llinas

J. Christopher Llinas: The NCDD member of the spotlight is J. Christopher Llinas of Portland, Connecticut. He is licensed to practice in Connecticut, US D. Conn, US 1st Circuit, US 2nd Circuit, EOIR (Immigration Courts and Board of Immigration Appeals) and Maryland (inactive). He’s been practicing law for 27 years. He is a fierce defender in criminal, DUI, traffic, juvenile and...

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