Become a Leader

Become a Leader

NCDD is constantly striving to provide the highest caliber educational experience to our members. In order to continue this all important obligation, we need help from you.

Our College is always looking for innovative ideas, unique presentations, new speakers and future leaders. To this end, if you are interested in joining NCDD's leadership or becoming a member of our Faculty, please take the time to introduce yourself and your work to our College.

Please be advised that once your application is submitted, NCDD may contact you for further information. NCDD is only as strong as our membership and your continued involvement to our College is the lifeblood of this organization.

We look forward to hearing from you.

NCDD Leadership Application

First Name *

Last Name *


Address 1 *

Address 2

City *



Phone *


Email Address *


State(s) licensed to practice law. List all

Years in practice

Years of practice engaged in DUI Defense?

Current % of practice dedicated to DUI Defense?

Are You Currently in Good Standing With Your State's Bar Association?

Have you ever been the subject of a State Bar disciplinary hearing or proceeding?

If yes, please explain with dates and findings. Additional information may be requested.

Member of NCDD since (Year)

Current NCDD Membership Status

Have you previously served in other NCDD leadership positions? (Check all that apply)

State Delegate
Faculty - Speaker
Faculty - Breakout Group Co-Leader
Committee Member

Are you currently Involved in any leadership positions in other organizations?

DUI Defense Related Legal Organizations
General Defense Related Legal Organizations
Bar Associations or Subcommittees
Community Related Leadership Positions
Past Leadership Positions

If yes, please explain.

Please list all other legal or defense organizations where you are a member.

Position(s) Interested In. Choose All that Apply

Speaker / Faculty
State Delegate
Committee Member

Are you Board Certified by NCDD?

If YES what year you were Board Certified?

Are you interested in becoming Board Certified by NCDD?

If No, please explain

How many NCDD Summer Sessions have you attended?

How many NCDD Winter Sessions have you attended?

How many Mastering Scientific Evidence Seminars have you attended?

How many NCDD/NACDL Las Vegas Seminars have you attended?

Have you attended NCDD's Serious Science for Serious Lawyers Course?

Have you attended NCDD's Metrology seminar?

Have you attended a NCDD SFST Student Course?

Have you attended any of the following courses? Check all that apply.

SFST Student Course
SFST Instructor Course
ARIDE or Equivalent Course
DRE Overview Course
DRE Training
Specialized Breath Test Training
Specialized Blood Test Training
Advanced Trial Skills Training
Become a Leader Become a Leader Become a Leader Become a Leader Become a Leader Become a Leader

Are you published in the area of DUI defense? If Yes, please provide a description of the publication as well as links or publisher information relevant to the publications.


Online Publications




Are you counsel of record in any published appellate case involving issues related to impaired driving and/or criminal defense?

If Yes, please provide any citation to any published opinion

Have you previously presented, as a speaker at NCDD or other DUI-defense related seminars? If Yes, please provide details.

NCDD Seminars

NACDL Seminars

Other National DUI Defense Related Seminars

State Seminars

Local Seminars

Bar Association Seminars

Do you possess other unique skills or talents that would benefit NCDD and its members? Please explain.

Tell us, in your own words, about the leadership opportunities you are interested in and the skills / talents you possess to help the College.

Find an Attorney

Enter your city, state, or Zip code below to locate a qualified attorney who has demonstrated a commitment to defend those accused of DUI and related crimes.


vflVirtual Forensic Library


NCDD members have access to a comprehensive forensic library that provides invaluable information to be used when defending clients charged with DUI.

This library includes scientific articles on drug and alcohol intoxication, toxicology and pharmacology, methods of testing for blood alcohol content, field sobriety testing, potential errors that may occur during testing, accident reconstruction, expert testimony, and evidentiary rules. This valuable information can ensure that you provide a high quality defense to clients charged with DUI based on the circumstances of their case and the laws in their state.


Personal Contact: Using the Officer's Observations Against Them


Written by Charles GoodwinEdited by Michelle Behan and Steven Hernandez The typical DUI investigation has three phases. It begins with the vehicle in motion and focuses on driving patterns that officers are trained might indicate impairment. Next is personal contact, where the officer will observe physical manifestations that are also purportedly correlated with alcohol ingestion and impairment. Finally, the officer will...

Introduction of Autonomous Vehicles and SAE Levels of Driving Automation


By By Lance Hendron An autonomous vehicle, in other words is self-driving car, is a car that is capable of operating with reduced or no human input.1 In 2014, the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), launched SAE J3016 Recommended Practice: Taxonomy and Definitions for Terms Related to Driving Automation Systems for On-Road Motor Vehicles, commonly referenced as the SAE Levels of...

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