NCDD PUblic Defender Training in Connecticut

Posted on May 24, 2018 in Uncategorized


The National College for DUI Defense, Inc. is proud to announce that on Tuesday, October 21, 2014 we will be providing a free training for public defenders in Connecticut. Fellow Steve Oberman will be teaching cross-examination on standardized field sobriety tests. Regent Bruce Edge will be teaching how to use a theme throughout a trial. NCDD Faculty member George Flowers will be teaching how to challenge breath tests. NCDD Faculty member Jay Ruane, who is responsible for organizing this seminar, will be presenting a caselaw review and teaching motion practice with his father, Connecticut attorney Jim Ruane (How cool would it be to teach a seminar with one of your parents or one of your children?).

The response to the announcement of this seminar has been off tremendous. Susan Brown, the Connecticut Public Defender Head of Training, sent the following e-mail: "I just wanted to let you know that we began registration for the DUI training two days ago. I was wrong about the amount of interest we would have, please forgive me. As of 10 minutes ago we have 160 registered!!"

This seminar is nothing new – NCDD has been providing free training for public defenders at seminars throughout the United States since its inception. We have always been committed to improving the defense of those who are the most vulnerable, the indigent criminally-accused. While we have done a great job of training defense attorneys, we haven't done a great job of advertising the availability of these seminars, or of acknowledging the members who have volunteered their time and energy to teach at these conferences.

Fellow Troy McKinney helped to raise everyone's awareness that these trainings are available when he posted information about them on the NCDD list serv this past July. Fortunately for me, this coincided with when I became the Chair of NCDD's Public Defender Education Committee, and it has made my job much easier. Members in several states are currently working to organize NCDD public defender trainings.

If you are interested in having a public defender training set up in your state, please send me an e-mail at

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