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Justice Through Knowledge: An introduction to the value of NCDD Seminars
Posted on August 21, 2018 in Uncategorized
The last time I looked, I had one hundred and seventy cases listing my name as the defense
attorney. That's one hundred and seventy instances in which I am responsible for helping someone in a
time of trouble. The cases vary; so do the clients. However, I never want the quality of my
representation to vary. I love my job. I love who and what I represent. I love my late hours and my small
victories. Nevertheless, the difficulty of finding the balance between staying afloat in my case load, and
growing as an attorney is not easily conquered.
Driving Under the Influence (DUI) cases can be as tricky and as strenuous as any other case out
there, if not more so. Based on their onerous nature, I immediately became intrigued with them.
However, it's not just the difficulty level of a DUI case that was attractive to me, although I love the
challenge. The fact that seemingly underqualified officers can use, arguably, unreliable tests to
determine whether or not to arrest someone for a serious crime really made me want to contest these
cases. Because, to me, calling an officers' discretion "science" seemed far from justice. My interest in
DUI cases started with a colleague asking for my help with a Daubert motion, seeking to prevent the
Drug Recognition Evaluators from giving expert testimony. From there, I realized there was an entire
world I never knew existed.
I had previously heard of National College for DUI Defense (NCDD) conferences, and how
beneficial they were. When I saw that there was a winter session being hosted in Orlando, I immediately
approached my supervisor to ask permission to go. Unfortunately, it just wasn't in our budget. However,
a few hours later I heard from my supervisor again, telling me that NCDD was putting on a one day DUI
seminar exclusively for Public Defenders, at no charge to the attendees, and that she would love to send
me there. Elated, I made sure I had everything in order to be able to go to the seminar.
I am not sure I knew what to expect. I knew that there would be knowledgeable attorneys. I
knew that there would be new techniques and strategies to try at trials. And I knew that I would "get my
foot in the door" as far as learning at least where to start with some of the more difficult hurdles to
overcome in DUI cases. Even with these expectations, I was overwhelmed by what I learned. Top
attorneys from around the country came and spoke to a room filled with Public Defenders eager to
learn. As I looked around the room full of my peers, I realized that we were all fighting the same battles
and climbing the same mountains. The benefit of having not one, but several, cultivated attorneys
helping to direct all of us in the right direction was unmatched.
As the morning sped by, I found my legal pad almost completely filled with new tricks of the
trade. Then it was time for lunch. Our meal was interrupted by the unexpected, and inordinately
generous gesture of inviting all of the Public Defenders to stay for the winter session. My colleagues and
I didn't even have to speak before I knew we were all on the same page. We had already learned so
much, and were so excited to grab the opportunity that would let us learn more. One call back to the
office, and we had full support to stay.
By the end of day one, I had learned more than I ever expected to learn. From jury selection to
cross examination to the fundamentals of scientific evidence, everything we were taught, we could
immediately use. Days two and three were just as informative. I appreciated the variety of topics, from
suggestions on how to achieve a work/life balance to using and challenging expert witnesses. Every
speaker that took the stage was extremely knowledgeable in their area, and incredibly approachable
with any questions the audience may have had.
One of the biggest benefits of going to the NCDD conference, was meeting the members of the
NCDD who attended and put on the conference. Some of the best attorneys across the country, are also
some of the friendliest. Everyone I met was incredibly supportive and more than helpful. They went
above and beyond to help my colleagues and me when we had questions and specific issues with DUIs
(and they never made us feel like we were asking a dumb question). Everyone was so generous with
their knowledge and experiences. And even though my colleagues and I are just starting our careers, we
never felt anything but equal throughout the entire conference. What I learned, and the connections I
was able to make in just three days, were more than I ever expected, so when the opportunity
presented itself to actually become a member of the NCDD, I knew, beyond a reasonable doubt, I had to
I'd like to thank Kathy Smith, the Public Defender of the 20th circuit, and Don McFarlane, the
misdemeanor supervisor, for their help and support in sending my colleagues and me to the NCDD
conference. The opportunity was unparalleled. And I would like to thank all of the attorneys I met at the
conference. I was able to successfully use several techniques in a DUI trial in the week following the
conference. With the help of the NCDD, I will not have to compromise the quality of my representation
of my clients, and I will be able to continue to improve my skills and understanding of DUI cases.
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Virtual Forensic Library

NCDD members have access to a comprehensive forensic library that provides invaluable information to be used when defending clients charged with DUI.
This library includes scientific articles on drug and alcohol intoxication, toxicology and pharmacology, methods of testing for blood alcohol content, field sobriety testing, potential errors that may occur during testing, accident reconstruction, expert testimony, and evidentiary rules. This valuable information can ensure that you provide a high quality defense to clients charged with DUI based on the circumstances of their case and the laws in their state.