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Are Prosecutor's Office Policies Legal?
Posted on April 01, 2018 in Uncategorized
Legislatures, representatives of the people, write the laws NOT prosecutors. Each legal law is a result of a complex process involving everything from public hearings, citizen and lobbyist input to sworn testimony. Penal code statutes have punishment ranges for a reason. Not everyone deserves to be treated the same when it comes to the same offense. Prosecutors are circumventing the laws by substituting their own punishment ranges in the form of "office policies" rather than considering the full range of punishments. District and County Attorney offices nationwide are resorting to cookie cutter approaches when handling cases by making plea bargain offers and trial decisions according to "office policies," particularly when it comes to prosecuting driving while intoxicated cases. For example, assistant district attorneys are finding themselves hand-tied when handling DWI cases by such policies as:
1. Offering the maximum probation period for misdemeanor DWIsi or
2. No reductions (nonDWIs) on repeat DWIsii, breath or blood test cases allegedly over 0.08.iii
Inherent in an office policy is the disregard for the defendant's particular circumstances such as lack of criminal history or specific facts mitigating a case (health issues, physical disabilities, etc.). The assistant district attorneys enforcing these office policies established by their superiors do so under direct orders without regard to the facts of a particular case. Yet, they are concerned more about their individual job security. Job security in the form of a paycheck is misguided. DWI Lawyers must first concern themselves with their ability or license to practice law. This is predicated on following ethics and laws.
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