NCDD Seminars and Webinars

31st Annual Mastering Scientific Evidence

March 27, 2025 - March 28, 2025

The 31st Annual MSE features intensive attention on blood testing for drugs and alcohol, as well as effective practical strategies in breath test cases. Renowned lab auditor Janine Arvizu addresses issue spotting in blood testing and Pharmacologist Dr. Jimmie Valentine addresses analytical and toxicology issues, with particular attention on THC testing. Dana Delger (CA) will do a deep dive into the mysteries of the Organization of Scientific Area Committees (OSAC) for Forensic Science and how forensic standards come to exist. NCDD Founding Member and Former Dean F.K. Whited will provide a comprehensive case law update from across the country, a source for lawyers to try new approaches in their states, and how to handle DWI death and serious injury cases.

The course will be held at the Royal Sonesta. The room rate is $239/night. You can make your hotel reservations by clicking the link above or by calling the hotel directly 504-586-0300. Be sure to refer to the seminar dates and TCDLA to take advantage of the discounted room rate.

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J. Christopher Llinas

J. Christopher Llinas: The NCDD member of the spotlight is J. Christopher Llinas of Portland, Connecticut. He is licensed to practice in Connecticut, US D. Conn, US 1st Circuit, US 2nd Circuit, EOIR (Immigration Courts and Board of Immigration Appeals) and Maryland (inactive). He’s been practicing law for 27 years. He is a fierce defender in criminal, DUI, traffic, juvenile and...

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Introduction of Autonomous Vehicles and SAE Levels of Driving Automation


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