Larry Forman

Larry Forman

This week’s NCDD Member in the Spotlight is Larry Forman of Louisville, Kentucky. He is featured because he is one of NCDD’s most enthusiastic young members. He has prioritized coming to NCDD seminars; not just for the training, but for networking. Anyone who has met Larry knows that he is a vivacious young man who is bursting with passion and boundless energy.

Larry was born in Leningrad, USSR (now St. Petersburg, Russia). His mother left the Soviet Union with him when he was three and a half years old. His mother is a Mechanical Engineer and his father is a horse trainer by trade. Both are currently on Larry’s payroll and work as paralegals in his firm. Before moving to Louisville, Larry lived in Cleveland, Ohio and Breckinridge, Kentucky. Before becoming a lawyer, Larry trained Thoroughbreds on the family farm for racing. While doing so, he served as the “on-premises” jockey. The thrill of “winning the race” runs deep in Larry’s blood.

Larry became a lawyer because, as he puts it, “I always helped my friends. When they would get in trouble I would help them because they always came to me since I would break down their issues to their constituent parts and analyze them ... I was like their godfather, if you will -- solving their problems. It was only natural that I would transfer this skill for the rest of my life solving people's real-life problems in the courtroom.”

Besides being one of our most ebullient NCDD members, Larry is also a member of the Kentucky Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, the Kentucky Justice Association, and the American Association for Justice. Some of Larry’s honors include being a Lifetime Member of Trial Masters, being voted a Super Lawyer Rising Star for 5 consecutive years, as well as the Three Best Rated in the City of Louisville. Larry donates both his time and money to helping local mock trial groups.

Larry’s favorite thing about being a lawyer is “The joy of seeing your client happy and having your client hug you after you successfully win their case or telling them the best offer in the universe.” Some of his favorite wins include a four-minute ‘Not Guilty’ verdict on second offense marijuana DUI, and saving a commercial truck driver his career by getting his forcible blood draw (where they pinned him down to extract) DUI dismissed.

Larry is single, no kids, and, as he describes it, “devotes most of his time to the practice.” He likes to play chess, snowboard, and rock climb, both indoors and outdoors at the Red River Gorge. He enjoys giving money to the VA every year, as well as local charities and events, including sponsoring the Chessbrah channel (chess tournaments) because he loves “how Eric Hanson crushes 2900-rated opponents in a 3 minute blitz.”

When asked what the NCDD means to Larry, he remarked, “This is the organization with the best of the best of the best DUI lawyers in the country, and probably the WORLD. Ever since I joined, I learned SO MUCH. And even when you think you've ‘got it all down’, there is still tons and tons more to learn. The process never ends, that's what I love about it so much.” Well Larry, we love you! Norman Vincent Peale said, “Enthusiasm releases the drive to carry you over obstacles and adds significance to all you do.” Not too many people can say they have inspired another to become a lawyer by simply watching their Youtube channel, but Larry can. Thank you for all the vigor and spirit you bring to the rest of us. We are grateful to have you at NCDD and look forward to all the amazing feats you will accomplish in the fight for justice and honor to our Constitution.

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